World of Demons is Going Offline, Will Stop Being Available on January 18

  • Patrick Schuster
  • Jan 08, 2024
  • 131
World of Demons is Going Offline, Will Stop Being Available on January 18

PlatinumGames has officially declared that it will be ceasing its support for the Apple Arcade-exclusive title World of Demons starting January 18. Newcomers will only be able to download the game after that date. The company has further explained that even existing players who have the game installed can only access it until February 1, after which the game will become non-playable.

The game is an adventurous journey where players step into the role of samurais who confront a variety of malicious spirits drawn from traditional Japanese folklore. World of Demons integrates a compelling combat system with the strategic element of recruiting Yokai allies for battle assistance. As gamers advance through levels battling various spirits, they are bound to engage in a climactic confrontation with the game's lead villain, Shuten Doji.

Perceived initially as a game that would thrive on continual updates, feature adjustments, and expansions, World of Demons represents one of PlatinumGames' ventures into the live-service model that has yet to meet with anticipated success. Notably arising from the same studio that brought the acclaimed Nier: Automata to life, World of Demons was initially intended to host in-app purchases. Its exclusive availability on Apple Arcade potentially interfered with those initial monetization concepts.

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