Ultimate Guide to Upgrading Your Camp in Wartales
- May 02, 2023
- 415

Upgrading your camp in Wartales is a crucial aspect of the game that allows your band of mercenaries to rest, recuperate, and gain various benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss how to upgrade your camp effectively and efficiently, ensuring your success in the world of Wartales.
Establish Your Camp and Workshop
To begin upgrading your camp, you must first establish a camp by pressing the tent icon on the lower-right portion of the screen. This will bring up your party members alongside any present camp structures. Initially, you will likely only have a campfire and a simple workshop. However, these are enough to get you started with upgrading your camp.
Assign a Tinkerer Profession to a Party Member
The next step is to assign a party member to the Tinkerer profession, which is responsible for crafting various items and camp equipment in Wartales. To do this, go to your camp, click on the workshop, and assign a Tinkerer from there. After doing so, you will see a list of craftable items and camp structures available to you.
Gather Necessary Materials and Build Structures
To create new camp structures, you need to gather the required materials first. Once you have collected the necessary materials, click on the build button to create the structure. The newly built structure will appear in your party's inventory. To place the structure within your camp, right-click on it in your inventory and position it wherever you want to within the campground.
Unlock Additional Camp Structures
Initially, your camp structure options will be limited. To unlock more camp structures, you must first complete a few challenges:
- — Unlock camp structure blueprints through the Compendium. You can access the Compendium by clicking on the open book logo on the bottom-right of the screen. Once opened, you will see a banner on the top of the passive skills list leading to a screen filled with unlockable camp structures.
- — Assign professions to different characters, as some professions automatically unlock related camp structures. For example, assigning a Scholar profession to a party member will make the Lectern available for building. Professions are separate from character classes, so you are free to choose the ideal profession for any character.
- — Purchase camp structure blueprints from NPCs. Certain non-player characters offer schematics for particular camp facilities, for instance, the Tanning Rack available at Athes' Trackers Camp or the Practice Target at the vendor in Smot Arena.
Optimize Your Camp Layout and Continue Upgrading
As you progress through Wartales, continue to unlock more camp structures and upgrade them to best suit your party's needs. Be mindful of the camp layout and utilize space effectively to accommodate all camp structures and party members comfortably.
Remember that your camp is essential for your party's success in Wartales, so pay attention to it. By following this guide and continuously upgrading your camp, you will ensure your band of mercenaries remains well-rested, well-fed, and ready for battle. Happy camping!